Tag Archives: Rhyme

Bit of Happy #116: You-ER than YOU!

8 Mar

“Today you are you – that is truer than true. There is no one alive that is you-ER than you.”
-Dr. Suess

Though I didn’t realize it, my sister told me Dr. Suess Day was last week, Wednesday, March 2. Along with giving me that little tid-bit of information, she also gave me a great quote and her personal insight on what today’s Dr. Suess verse means to her!

“You may not know but the other day was Dr. Suess Day, and it brought up some great quotes – this happened to be my favorite. Sometimes it’s not easy to stick to your guns and go against the ‘norm.’ It’s much easier to just do what everyone else does to avoid criticism or feeling left out. But like the doctor says, “nobody is you-ER than you,” and it’s okay to be different. I’m the most comfortable being me, so you either love me or hate me, and I’m okay with that. Sometimes things that were written for five-year-olds still make the most sense.”

Certainly an adorable piece of advice put to a memorable rhyme, Dr. Suess does bring up a wonderful point. Yesterday, today, tomorrow, the next and the next day you will be you. Years down the road you will be you. In fact, there will never be a day of your life that you will be anyone but yourself. You may put on different masks and make decisions that aren’t necessarily your character, but ultimately, it’s still you. Just like it always will be.

So, learn to love the person you are! And be thee best person you can be. You know why? Because no one else on this planet can be any more you-ER than YOU!