Tag Archives: Learn

Bit of Happy #142: Ohhhh, the memories!

13 Apr

“Memory… is the diary that we all carry about with us.”
-Oscar Wilde

Memories… Like the first time we road down the sidewalk without training wheels and didn’t fall. Or the time we made a huge step toward finding our true passion in life. Or the first time we got that flutter in our heart from the person we were destined to spend the rest of our life with. Like a diary, all of these are incredible memories that we carry around with us each and every day. Though we may not take the time to revisit them daily, they are never far from our minds, or our hearts.

Today’s quote by Oscar Wilde is an imaginative take on our gift of remembrance. Along with the good memories, some difficult ones are intertwined – ones that we may avoid thinking of. Though, something I’m willing to bet is: despite that these memories may be ones we’d like to skip over, they are also the ones that we have either learned from, grew from, or chose a different path of life because of. These are the life lessons that if you hadn’t endured, you wouldn’t be you! So, with that said… when opening your diary of life, don’t be afraid to celebrate all of your memories!

Happy Wednesday!

Bit of Happy #140: Take Me There

11 Apr

“Take Me There”
by Rascal Flatts

“There’s a place in your heart where nobody’s been.
Take me there.”

This song stole my heart in the first two lines. I don’t think there are enough words in the world to describe how this song touched me. “Take Me There” by Rascal Flatts is, without a doubt, a love song but even then, it seems to reach deeper than that.

It’s not just any love – it’s a love where nobody previously has been before. It is a love that will go deeper than ever before. Grow stronger than ever before. Reach further to the depths of your soul, of your heart, than ever before.

And to make a statement to someone like the very first two lines of this song shows commitment. Shows willingness. Shows the passion to know their love inside out, better than anyone else in this world. And to me, that’s saying something. A lot actually.

A few more lines of the song follow, along with the video (which is pretty cute by the way). Take a moment to read and listen/watch, and if you like the song as much as I do, click the link below to hop on a fast track to buying the song and making it your very own!

“I wanna know, everything about you.
And I wanna go, down every road you’ve been.
Where your hopes and dreams and wishes live,
Where you keep the rest of your life hid.
I wanna know the girl behind that pretty stare.
Take me there.

Your first real kiss, your first true love, you were scared.
Show me where.
You learned about life, spent your summer nights, without a care.
Take me there.
I wanna roll down Mainstreet and back roads like you did when you were a kid.
What makes you who you are, tell me what your story is.

Bit of Happy #132: What do you see?

30 Mar

“The question is not what you look at, but what you see.”
-Henry David Thoreau

Throughout every second of every day that we spend awake, we are constantly looking at things – as we drive, when we go out for lunch, the work we do, spending time with family and friends, watching a stranger pass on the sidewalk. There are lives living all around us; ones we touch with our own presence, and others we may never come in contact with.

There are plenty of things that we look at on any given day, but what do we see? When you look at a stranger with worn clothes, holding a sign that is asking for money, what do you see? When you look at an acquaintance who is in tears though you’ve never seen cry before, what do you see? When you look at a couple being affectionate and whispering in each others’ ears on a park bench, what do you see?

There’s body language that we take in every day to interpret the lives of others. If you walk past a person in the office with their head down, avoiding eye contact as opposed to someone who looks at you, smiles, and says, “Good Morning,” what do you see about those two people? What is different?

Today’s quote by Henry David Thoreau is asking us to put on our attentive glasses. To be aware and observant of our surroundings. It’s not what you look at that is important, but what you see. What you think. How you interpret.

Look around and realize your surroundings. Learn from them and anticipate the road ahead. Rather than blindly going through your day understand what you are looking at… See.

Bit of Happy #119: Mind Over Matter

11 Mar

“Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter.”
-Mark Twain

My friend sent around a forwarded email the other day with a handful of quotes, and this one brought a smile to my face. It was paired with a photograph of a bunch of older women doing some kind of exercise or ballet class, and I found a lot of inspiration from it. Unfortunately, I tend to have this terrible perception of getting old. It’s really the last thing I want to do. If I could find a way to stay 22-years-old for the rest of my life, I would be perfectly happy with that.

Though we all know that is not really an option, this quote is saying otherwise. And what I think it is trying to tell us is that we can always remain young in spirit. In the mind. If we think young, we will stay young at heart until the day we each die. And even when our skin is worn with wrinkles, we can still have that glimmer of child-like magic in our eyes. We can see the world through our imagination and choose to never stop learning. Experiencing. Growing.

I’m not quite sure if this quote necessarily took all of my fears of getting old away, but it certainly put it in a brighter, more welcoming light. Hopefully it can do the same for all of you!

Happy Friday!

Bit of Happy #118: The Gift of Sacrifice

10 Mar

“Anyone can give away something expensive, but only those who understand sacrifice can give away something valuable.”
-Kris Vallotton

A million dollars to a billionaire. A small single-family apartment to someone who owns five luxurious houses along some of the most desired coasts. A Honda to someone who owns a brand new BMW, Mercedes and some other super expensive car.

All of these high-ticket items are certainly expensive. They are all things that some people would love to have. At the same time, the billionaire, luxurious homeowner or car owner may very well give away these types of items to help a family, a friend or a charity. But without the understanding of sacrifice, without giving away something of personal value, they cannot truly embrace the gift of giving.

Until you sacrifice something precious to you to help another – something tangible like food or shelter, or something intangible like your time or your love – you can’t possibly understand the entirety to giving.

I think Kris Vallotton brings up a great point. And in light of the giving season, why don’t we all think of something or some way we can give back to our communities?

I never understood why people gave up certain foods for Lent, or promised to exercise daily… something that is beneficial to only who… you. But that’s not really what this time of year is about at all. It’s about sacrifice. And that’s not sacrificing something for personal benefit… it’s supposed to bring happiness and benefit to others. So, give up that junk food and soda, sure… but give it to someone who needs it. Donate it to a local after school program. Or, take the money that you would have spent on that junk food and put it to good use. Good use to benefit others. Make the commitment to exercise every day, sure… but work towards some type of charity walk or race for the cure. Put your energy into something, sacrifice that time and effort to help others who are fighting for their lives.

How can we help others? I think that’s the true question we need to ask ourselves. And the answer to that question lies in being willing to sacrifice… willing to give away something valuable to our lives. That’s when we put the benefit of others above our own. That’s when we make a real difference. That’s when we learn the true value of giving and of self-sacrifice.

Bit of Happy #111: More Wonderful Still

1 Mar

Today’s quote, shared by Greg, sounds the beat of a slightly different Little Bit of Happy drum. Nonetheless, it’s a great quote, and certainly one that we all can learn a little something from. And that to me makes for a ‘worthy of sharing’ quote! Despite his approach to writing on a whim – “I’m am planning to just type, not really thinking as I go” – what follows is a beautifully natural-written piece. So I’d like to thank Greg the moon, the stars and the world for taking the time to share his thoughts and opinions on this quote. I hope everyone enjoys this unique interpretation of Buechner’s quote as much as I did.


“When I first read this quote, I was a bit worried that it may leave an impression to not try new things or overcome obstacles on your own. With the possible interpretation of negativity, I – at first – was afraid that this may not be a little bit of happy. But thinking now, I feel like I can spin the last bit of this quote into something inspirational and happy.

Trying to get by on your own strength in life instead of reaching out to others when you need support will make each step in life a struggle. Missing out on that growth of trusting, but the hardness that going through life alone requires will wear you out. Unfortunately, this is something I do often. I hate asking for help, and for some reason, I feel like if I am able to accomplish something on my own I will come out stronger. However, being resistant towards the love and care from others never gets anyone anywhere.

Steeling yourself against reality can also come in the form of not showing emotion. Society has ingrained in us, men especially, that showing emotion is the equivalent of showing weakness. A man who feels he has mastered his emotions also believes he has overcome all weakness and achieved strength. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Really, he is just emotionally void and cannot experience life or relationships as they are meant. Again… I am guilty of this too.

People shield themselves from the world by not giving their forgiveness. Others make mistakes. We are all human; no one is so perfect that one cannot harm someone emotionally or physically. If someone hurts you, are you really going to shut him or her out, cut off some portion of yourself to them, or just move on from them altogether? Who are you to make such a judgment when you yourself have harmed others just the same?

The commonality of all of these actions is that the person not asking for help, being apathetic, and never giving their forgiveness is the one missing out. That person is missing out on learning a solution to one of their problems, a chance to be the emotional being that we are made to be, and the chance to find resolution and a rekindled relationship. On the other hand, we can just say it like it is in the quote, you are not allowing yourself to be opened up and transformed.

Life will be far more rewarding, have far more love, and have many more strong relationships if people are able to just be who they are without trying to show they’re stronger than emotion, stronger than another person, or stronger than life itself.

This quote is most relevant when it comes to relationships with the people we love. If you cannot submit to some emotions, admit you need help, or forgive others, your relationships will not be as meaningful or as fruitful as they can be. Not only will the relationship suffer, but so will you. You will be missing out of more love, grace, humility, mercy, and companionship than you could ever imagine.

Life is not worth living as the Lone Ranger trying to save the day with his silver bullet. When you are in trouble, sound the alarm, have those you love come to your aid. Show your emotions; people want to see them. Show those that you love that you love them. Finally, forgive those who hurt you. You’re not as strong when you are own as you would be with someone loving at your side. And when you realize that, life will be… more wonderful still.

Bit of Happy #107: The Turning Point

23 Feb

“The turning point in the process of growing up is when you discover the core of strength within you that survives all hurt.”
-Max Lerner

To get over the hill of this week, today’s quote by Max Lerner brings light to a new discovery and lesson in learning more about who you are and where your strength lies. In life, there are moments and experiences that we would mark as losing trust in someone we love or in other words, getting hurt. Despite that pain, there’s a part of you, no matter how small, that continues to go on past that hurt. And it’s that part of you that becomes your core strength. The strength that will outlast beyond any hurdle you are faced with.

And when you recognize that strength, that’s when you begin to learn who you are and where to go within yourself when you need the strength to press on. It’s a beautiful discovery; a new form of growth. And when a new test of strength comes along, you will have enough faith in knowing you will survive any challenge.

Bit of Happy #106: The Moments That Take Our Breath Away

22 Feb

“Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.”

If this isn’t the cutest picture you’ve ever seen, I don’t know what is! Annie, my dachshund, actually hates being photographed, but sometimes I can catch her making the most adorable expressions!

Anyway, first I’d like to say… Happy Tuesday!

Probably one of my favorites of all time, today’s quote is one that obviously slipped between the cracks; otherwise, I would have shared it much, much sooner! Over the weekend, it popped into my mind, and I had to go back through my quotes on Little Bits of Happy to see if I had posted it yet. Surprised after finding that I hadn’t, it was the first one on my list to share for this week.

“Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take…” Whether you live 10 years or 100 years, the time you spend in this world doesn’t have an affect on its meaningfulness. A 10-year-old has the capability of making more of his or her life, making the lives of others better and making a significant difference than someone who may live 100 years.

“…But by the moments that take our breath away.” Measured by the cherished memories – moments that take our breath away – life may give us many days or just a few to experience them. The insignificance of the number of breaths we take certainly doesn’t mean to carelessly go through life. Instead, appreciate each moment you are given.

The moment you learn something new about yourself that you never knew before. The moment you change someone’s life for the better. The moment you share your first kiss with the person you are meant to spend the rest of your life with (even though you may not know the significance of that person at the time). The moment you find strength within yourself when you, at first, doubted that strength. The moment you commit the rest of your life to someone, and they make the same promise to you. The moment you see the birth of your first child.

It’s these moments and many alike that truly measure the quality of your life. The unforgettable ones. The ones that you find yourself replaying in your mind when you are searching for encouragement, or looking to go back to the happiest points in your life. It’s these moments that take your breath away…

Hope you loved today’s quote as much as I did, and I would love to know what you think! Click the button below to share your thoughts!

Bit of Happy #101: Live In The Now!

15 Feb

“Learn from the past, set vivid, detailed goals for the future, and live in the only moment of time over which you have any control: now.”
-Denis Waitley

You’ve got to start somewhere, because if there’s no beginning to change, how do you ever expect to grow? Learn from your past, yes, but don’t live in it. By learning, you are changing. And by changing you are growing. And by growing, you are taking advantage of the present and putting your best foot forward.

Today’s quote has a lot of truth in that we only really have control over what is happening in this very moment. The past is already done – something that cannot be changed; something that is completely out of our control. The only thing we can choose to do with our past is learn from it and change how we will live our present.

And the future, well, that story is left unwritten and has yet to unfold. I can’t say, in this moment, that five years from now I will have met my soulmate, and we will get married. I have no control over when that will happen, or if it ever will happen. I believe, when it comes to looking forward to the future, it comes with a lot of hope. Why do I believe that? Honestly, there is no guarantee that I will live past tomorrow, or tonight even. I can only hope. I can only hope that I will live past tomorrow. And the next day. And the next day. And a million days after that!

But the moment in time that we do have control over is now. We can choose to set goals and learn from our past to make the best of the present moment. Whether we go forwards or backwards is completely our decision. Whether we choose to hold on to all of our wrongdoings and drown in our sorrowed memories is completely up to us. But we can also decide to live in the only moment of time over which we have any control… And that is now.

Bit of Happy #98: Love Is Just A Word…

10 Feb

“Love is just a word until someone comes along and gives it meaning.”

Even though I don’t quite remember where or when I came across this quote, I thought it had a great perspective on the meaning of love. To me, I’ve always thought of love being this big, heavy word that you should only say if you truly mean it. And I still believe that.

But today’s quote strums a different tune. It gives love more of a whimsical, light meaning that is up for interpretation. That for each relationship, love could mean something different depending on what each person brings to the table. That you may not truly understand what love is until someone comes along and shows you. 

The realization that each person shows love differently brings forth a new perspective. That you can’t sit down and write out exactly what love means and then go out and find it. That you will not find the cookie cutter, picture perfect girl or guy of your dreams. No one is perfect. No one was put in this world especially for you.

But when two people with two separate lives filled with different experiences cross paths with similar thoughts, beliefs, morals and a mutual attraction for each other, those two people may decide to travel down a new path, hand in hand. Create new experiences together. Learn together. Grow together. Endure hardships and celebrate accomplishments together. And with time, they may begin to define their love for each other… together.

For me, today’s quote brought up a new way of thinking to what love is and can be. Hopefully it can do the same for you.

Happy Thursday!

What do you think of today’s quote?

Do you believe something differently about how love is defined?